About US

Learn more about MHM Properties Ltd.

MHM properties ltd. is a real estate development company based in Dhaka. We specialize in innovative construction techniques, designing and planning. We have striven to provide the highest quality in our available services for more than 10 years.
Since our inception, we have consistently delivered innovative and high-quality projects for our clients and customers. We take deeply analytical and sustainable approach in the acquisition, development and asset management of all our projects.


Since 2011
We are Providing Real Estate Solutions

MHM Properties LTD. is a sister concern of MHM Group. With over 10 years of experience, our in-house team takes a hands-on approach to Real-Estate investment, management and development.

Our Executive Team:

Our team consists of talented executive management team who share a common entrepreneurial focus and commitment in serving our clients and customers. The quality of our service and the level of commitment we bestow on our clients set us apart. We are a dedicated team of truly passionate professionals who understand our clients’ needs and wants.


Our Strengths







Corporate Governance


Strictly maintain BNBC Code


Earthquake resistant BUET approved design




Modern Design


After-Sales Service


Uncompromised Safety


Our Customer Service Commitments

  • On-time handover
  • We focus on creativity and state-of-the-art design
  • Building relationships to last for generations
  • Earn your respect with every interaction, always
  • Always try to be ahead of the curve
  • We believe in complete transparency

MHM Properties Ltd. - REHAB Certificate